Monday, August 3, 2020

30A - Final Reflection

  1. While going back through my posts from the semester, I remembered thinking how much work and how stressful I thought this class would be. But now, looking back on all of it, I realize that it was extremely helpful and has taught me many life lessons that I will continue to use. Even though I was very uncomfortable interviewing people in the beginning, by the end I was much more comfortable and the questions and conversations came much more naturally than they initially did. I think the assignment that was the most fun was creating the customer avatar because I loved creating a whole story for my customer. I think that the elevator pitches were my least favorite because there was so many things going on all at once. You had to write the pitch, memorize it, dress up, and then record yourself and make sure it looked good enough to post before your peers.
  2. Although the elevator pitches were my least favorite assignment, I do believe that they are the assignment that will stay with me the longest. By doing it over and over again and constantly modifying it to be better and better based on the comments I received, I was able to see what an elevator pitch truly entailed and how to do one even better in the future. I think that the elevator pitches would be my answer to all 4 of the questions for this sections. By doing them multiple times and rewatching them now, I can see my confidence in front of the camera improve a little more each time and the pitch become more dynamic.
  3. I do not know if I see myself as an entrepreneur, but I do have more of an entrepreneurial mindset for sure.
  4. My one recommendation for incoming students of this class would be to work ahead, work ahead, work ahead! Even though there are no tests and you do not need to study, 3 assignments a week quickly piles up! I did most of the assignments within the first month of the class and had the assignments drafted on my blog. In doing so, each Monday all I had to do was click post and check one more assignment off my list for the week. Finished Finish Line Race End Celebration EYFS Illustration - Twinkl


  1. Hi Ashley,

    I 100% agree with your initial perception of what this class would be. I also thought this class was going to be a lot of work and stressful, but I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be low-stress and fun. Also, I agree with the advice you gave. I cut the due dates pretty close, so I wish someone had of given me that advice when I first enrolled in this class.

    Will Templin

  2. Hi Ashley,

    I agree with you that the elevator pitches were challenging. As tough as they were, I liked that we had the chance to improve them each time and take feedback from our peers in order to make the improvements. How smart of you to work so far ahead, yet keep your work as drafts so you had the opportunity to think on the material longer and still make updates. If I take another class like this where I can work in advance, I think I will use that technique too.
    Good luck!

