Monday, June 1, 2020

9A - Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: The first person I interviewed thought this was a good idea for the students on campus, but she did not think it would work for her because she is happy with the shows and movies that Netflix and Hulu offers and would not want to go through the trouble of canceling the services that she already pays for. The second student I talked to did not have any streaming services. Since they do not have any these services now, they will not benefit from the new service that will be provided because they see no point in paying for a new service. The third student I talked to had brand loyalty with Netflix and was willing to pay extra for the guarantee of the service provided by the Netflix streaming platform. The fourth person I interviewed was simply uninterested because they did not want to be locked into a monthly payment agreement. The last student I interviewed did not see the appeal of another streaming service and did not think the new service would be appealing enough to make the subscription fee worth it.

What: The need I identified is the need for a cheaper movie/tv show streaming service for students to save them money. This need differs from the need of a cheaper music streaming service or a new rental service for students.

Why: Those outside of the boundaries of my need either need a cheaper music streaming service, movie rental service, or do not have any need for electronic entertainment. 

 Inside the BoundaryOutside the Boundary
WhoStudents who are looking for a cheaper movie/tv show streaming serviceStudents who are not looking (either happy with the services they have, are loyal to another streaming service, are not currently looking to have a streaming service, do not want to pay a monthly fee, or do not find the idea of a new service appealing)
WhatNeed for a way to lessen the amount of money students spend on movie/tv streaming services.Do not have the need because they do not need a new service or do not find the service they have as a large financial burden. 
WhyNeed exists because college students are known to have a very low amount of spending money and the streaming services they are currently paying for take up a large chunk of that money.The students could have alternative needs for things such as music streaming services and movie rental services.  


  1. Hi Ashley! I really like this opportunity because of ways for college students to save money on subscription services. Both of us are students who are trying to save money. In my post, I speak about an initiative for students to save money to pursue their higher education goals. As students at UF, we could be provided with a budget and financial planning to assess my future costs of living factors amongst many other things.

  2. Hello Ashley,

    Though some people were not interested in your idea, I think there is actually a really large market for this streaming service. Personally, I would be a customer to save money; the financial burden of college is enough, so I typically take advantage of all saving opportunities I can. I think the points that you identified outside of the boundary really give you a realistic look as to what you should expect. I am surprised that this concept does not already exist, as it is very smart.

