Friday, June 12, 2020

16A - What's Your Secret Sauce?

Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.
  1. Determination - When I am given a task, I will not rest until it is completed to the best of my ability.
  2. Time Management - I have always been really good about scheduling things into my days and making sure I have enough time to do everything that needs to be done.
  3. Passion - If it is something I am very passionate about, I will give my all from beginning to end.
  4. Listening - I am very good at listening to others and being someone that they can feel comfortable talking to even in hard situations.
  5. Focused - Even in a crowded room with lots of noise, I am able to get things done.

Interview the five people who know you the best.

Interview 1: My mom, Robin. My mom talks about how organized I am and how strict the schedule is that I make for myself and how I do not allow myself to deviate from the schedule. She also talks about how I am self-motivated and determined in my own way and do not need anyone to tell me what to do because I probably have already done it. 
Interview 2: My best friend, Jailen. Jai talked about how I am very determined and will do anything and everything to be the best at what I am trying to accomplish. She also talked about how if she wants something done right, she will always come to me to help her. 
Interview 3: My roommate, Taeja. Taeja talked about how determined I am and how much knowledge I have about the world around me. She expanded on the amount of things I have been through in my life and how they could help me see things from different perspectives in the future. 
Interview 4: My roommate, Hallie. Hallie talked about how determined I am and that I am both logically and creatively minded. By having both skill sets, she said I would be able to excel at anything I put my mind to.
Interview 5: My roommate, Caroline. Caroline talked about my perfectionism and how I am really good at hiding it but when given a task I will not rest until it is done to the best of my abilities. She also talked about my willingness to learn new things and how if given the opportunity I will jump at the chance to try new things.

Reflect on the Differences
Based on what my friends and family said, I think we see me in very much the same way. All 5 of my friends and family discussed my determination which is the very first thing I listed about myself, which I thought was super cool to know that I exude the determination I believe I have. Going back to what I think about myself, I would add organized because as soon as I heard my mom say it, I realized how much of a neat freak I am and how organized everything in my life is. 


  1. Hello Ashley,

    I envy the fact that you are a strong listener; that is something I struggle with and am continuing to work on. I found it interesting how your mom, friend, and roommates all pointed out different aspect of yourself that make you, you! It is always refreshing to hear those words of affirmation. Also, your determination shines through because you mentioned it and so did several of your interviewees; I consider myself a very determined person and it helps me in most aspects of my life! Great interviews!

  2. Hi Ashley,

    I am very impressed all of your interviewees found you to be highly determined. I have always been impressed with go-getters than never give up. From the interviews, it’s obvious you are one of these people. When times are tough and you are faced with a great challenge, try to remember your core people find you to be so focused and capable. I think you can use this as inspiration to dig deep when you need the extra push.


  3. Ashley,
    Your interviewees were great at describing your great aspects and qualities, like how great of a listener and how determined you are. I hope to be a highly determined individual as well one day. Personally, I am more a shy person and don't do a lot of talking, but like you, I am a great listener. I think that being a great listener and being able to take criticism is a great combination to have.
