Monday, July 6, 2020

17A - Elevator Pitch No. 2

The feedback that I got on my original post was mostly all positive. The only thing that I was encouraged to work on was slowing down my talking. So, I used the exact same elevator pitch, and was able to make it 12 seconds longer just by slowing down my talking.

I also thought it would be more appealing to my cliental if I dressed like them. So, I attempted to dress like the typical UF student on a chill day in leggings, a sweatshirt, and a messy bun. 


  1. Hi Ashley,

    I think that your pitch was great. I think that the speed at which you talked and your enthusiasm for your service were great. If I were to change one thing, I think that I would put the statistic you gave at the beginning of your pitch. I think that if it were at the beginning you would immediately grab your audience. Also, I would say "on average people spend $32 a month for their streaming services" instead of "on average people spend $8 on each of their streaming services". Overall, your pitch was very good.

    Will Templin

  2. Hi Ashley,

    I love that you attempted to identify with your target audience by dressing like a typical college student. I think this identification will lend you more credibility and the understanding that you know the pain of the problem they are dealing with. I agree with Will that streamlining your statistic would offer a more compelling pain point for other students.

  3. Hi Ashley,

    Good job! I could tell you made a hard effort to slow your presentation down from the first one. You added good statistics and I liked that you started the pitch with a strong hook. If I can offer one suggestion, it would be to end your pitch with a call to action for next steps. How can I sign up for U-flix? I think it would be good to add this at the end. Just a suggestion of course.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Ashley! I liked your confidence in projecting your pitch. It felt incredibly natural. I have a couple questions about your idea, is YouFlix only going to be for UF students and would you be willing to branch to other universities if the idea came up. If you are keeping it to UF students' target audience, GatorFlix could be a new name when considering it. However, if you would be willing to expand your company's reach, YouFlix is a great and catchy name! My idea is also a service, and I think one thing to keep in mind when doing service is to encourage making the intangibleness of the service tangible with factors. Great job!

  6. hello Ashley,

    great job. Your elevator pitch was very good. It was evident how confident you were in delivering you pitch. The best aspects were how it was very easy to get hooked onto your idea, the elevator pitch flowed very smoothly, and the enthusiasm you displayed.
