Monday, July 6, 2020

18A - Create a Customer Avatar

My ideal customer is a student going into their first year at the University of Florida. She is only 18 years old and is currently living in a dorm to get the most out of her first year in college. She is pursuing a degree in journalism. One day she hopes to become college baseball commentator/reporter. 

Until she is able to pursue this career, she still has to pay many expenses such as tuition, housing, and her meal plan. She does have the top Bright Futures scholarship, but this is not enough to cover the housing or the food. She got a job working in the UF Athletics department on campus and this is allowing her to begin to save money to pay off her student loans. By working in the athletics department, she is making money and working in a field that she hopes to work in during the future.

After a long day, her favorite thing to do is go home and cuddle up under a nice soft blanket and watch a show on Netflix or Hulu. Although she gets a lot of use out of these accounts, she feels guilty every time she pays the monthly fee because the money could be going towards her loans.

What do I have in common with her? I have a lot in common with my ideal customer. I am also a student at the Univeristy of Florida and lived in a dorm my first year on campus. I also have the Bright Futures Scholarship helping me pay for college and am looking to find a job in the UF Athletics department next semester. And the most important thing we have in common, is watching shows and movies on Netflix/Hulu after a long day of school or work. All in all, I do not think it is a coincidence that I have a lot in common with my ideal customer, because I see myself as a prototypical customer for the product.

My Blue Robot Avatar


  1. Hi Ashley,

    I feel as though I relate to your customer avatar. It is hard trying to save money when you're at school. You want to have enough for when you get out so you're not completely broke, but you also want to have some fun while in college. I think an idea like this would be great because it would give students the ability to save money on their video streaming services (the one thing that every college student has).

    Will Templin

  2. Hello,

    Their are definetely a lot of customers that are similar to your prototypical customer. I know many people that are going through a difficult financial situation, plus the enjoy watching television. Plus there are so many students that enjoy to use netflix and Hulu.
