Friday, July 17, 2020

23A - Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

  1. Innovative thinking
    • V - This is extremely valuable because it keeps the company going and constantly up to date with the changing market and their changing needs.
    • R - This is rare because it can be easy to come up with ideas, but not ideas that can change the product as we know it for the betterment of the market.
    • I - This is pretty easy to imitate if you have the right people in the room.
    • N - No, there is not another resource that can provide the same benefit.
  2. Understanding the significance of a social media presence
    • V - This is very valuable because it allows the company to communicate with their target market in a fast and efficient way that is also short and concise.
    • R - This is not rare.
    • I - This skill is not a hard one to copy.
    • N - There are some things that could provide the same benefit such as networking in person and over the phone, but neither of these are as fast or cover a wide variety of people at the same time.
  3. Strategic planning
    • V - This is very valuable because you are planning for the future and not just to get through the day. By planning for the future, I am able to set goals for each day/week/month in order to get to the overall goal.
    • R - This is not rare, because everyone is capable of doing it. But, some people do not like to plan too far in advance.
    • I - This can definitely be imitated and can be learned as well.
    • N - No, there is not another resource that can provide the same benefit.
  4. Taking classes that expand my knowledge of business
    • V - This is extremely valuable because it has enabled me to learn many of the things that go into creating and maintaining a successful business including the management, marketing, and accounting sides of the operation.
    • R - This is not rare.
    • I - This skill can not be imitated.
    • N - The only other thing that could give you the same benefits is job experience.
  5. Being a part of the target segment
    • V - This is valuable because I have insight into what the target market needs and wants because I am a part of that segment.
    • R - This is not rare for entrepreneurs.
    • I - This skill is not a hard one to copy.
    • N - No, there is not another resource that can provide the same benefit.
  6. My attention to detail
    • V - This is valuable because it allows me to focus on the little things and see the small thing that go into creating the big picture.
    • R - This is not rare.
    • I - This skill is a hard one to copy because it comes naturally.
    • N - No, there is not another resource that can provide the same benefit.
  7. Experience as an accounting assistant
    • V - This is valuable because it has given me experience on the money-side of an operation and has taught me many skills that I can bring into the work place such as filing and scanning checks.
    • R - This is not rare.
    • I - Yes, this can be imitated with education and work experience.
    • N - No, there is not another resource that can provide the same benefit as being in the work field.
  8. My determination
    • V - This is valuable because I will not give up until the job is done that we set out to do. I do not take no for an answer and I do not rest until the completed project is perfect.
    • R - This is not rare because there are other hard working and ambitious people in the work place as well.
    • I - Yes this can be imitated with effort.
    • N - No, there is not another resource that can provide the same benefit.
  9. Time management skills
    • V - This is valuable because it allows me to get more things done in the same amount of time than other people around me. In doing so, I am more efficient than other people around me.
    • R - This is not rare.
    • I - This skill is a hard one to copy because it is usually just how the person thinks.
    • N - No, there is not another resource that can provide the same benefit.
  10. My willingness to learn new things
    • V - This is valuable because it shows how flexible I am and that I a utility player. I will do anything and everything to ensure the success of my business and will learn new things to get the job done to the best of my ability.
    • R - This is not rare.
    • I - Yes, this can be imitated with effort and an open mind.
    • N - No, there is not another resource that can provide the same benefit.
Reflection: I would say that my most valuable resource is being a part of the target market. I think by being in the segment, I am able to see the product through the eyes of the customer and can make necessary changes to the product as well as the business plan to better suit the needs of the customer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley,

    Your list of unfair advantages is compelling. I think your selection of being in the target market is very insightful. By being in the thick of the typical user mix, you should definitely have a great perspective into who the consumer is and what the consumer wants. Hopefully this will give you the edge to see trends quickly or jump on ideas before your competitors even think of them. Very smart! I like that you chose “willingness to learn new things” too. We often handicap ourselves because we are too scared to take a chance.

