Monday, July 13, 2020

22A - Elevator Pitch No. 3

  2. Overall, the feedback I received was very positive. The three things that stood out to me the most were to move my statistic to the front of my pitch, to change the wording of the statistic to be more clear, and to add a call to action at the end of my pitch. I had multiple comments that said that they liked my energy and enthusiasm for my product which I found very surprising because I tried to be energetic but I am very glad that it came through on the screen. Overall, all of the feedback I received was extremely helpful and posed great suggestions that I had not thought of before.
  3. Based on the feedback, I did move the statistic to the front of my speech so that it caught the attention of my audience right from the beginning. I also did change the wording of my statistic from "the average American spends $8 on 4 different streaming services a month" to "the average American spends around $32 a month for their streaming services. I also did add a call to action at the end of my speech by adding a phone number they could call to receive more information or subscribe to the service. In this pitch, I did have it all memorized, felt much more comfortable in front of the camera, and have a much stronger pitch than the one I started with.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley! I think it is great that you have already incorporated a lot of feedback from the last two pitches into the last one. This may be the last Elevator Pitch, but know that the three times is an extraordinary amount to practice the pitch, but the great thing about entrepreneurship is that it is a skill that you can build and practice way way more. I also decided to include a statistic in my post because I think it is a great way to captive your audience from the beginning. I wish you the best on your idea YouFlix! Great post!
